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We will keep your records safe.

This dental practice complies with the Data Protection Act (2018) and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018. This means we will ensure your information is processed fairly and lawfully.

What personal information do we need to hold?

  • Past/current medical and dental history, personal information such as address, phone numbers, age and name of your GP.
  • Details of your NHS number and healthcare treatment entitlement.
  • Details of your exemption status, if applicable.
  • X-rays, clinical photographs and study models.
  • Treatment plans and correspondence regarding treatment we have provided or proposed, plus its costs.
  • Notes of conversations or incidents that might occur for which a record needs to be kept.
  • Consent of treatment.
  • Any correspondence relating to you with other health care professionals: hospitals or community services.

Why do we hold this information?

  • We keep accurate personal data to provide you with safe and appropriate dental care. If providing care under the NHS, we also need to process personal data to ensure proper management and administration of the NHS.

Retaining information

We will retain your dental records, study models, and X-rays while you are a patient of this practice and for eleven years or until age 25 (whichever is longer) once you cease to be a patient.


We hold your information on our computer or secure manual filing system. Information is only accessible to authorised personnel. Information will not be removed from the practice without the patient’s consent. Personal information is carefully protected, all access is held securely, and passwords are changed regularly. Data is encrypted, and computers are closed if left unattended.

Times we may need to disclose your information

To provide proper and safe dental care to:

  • Your GP.
  • Hospital or Community dental service.
  • Other health professionals caring for you.
  • NHS payment authorities.
  • Inland Revenue.
  • Private dental schemes of which you’re a member.
  • Benefits Agency (where you claim exemption or remission from NHS charges).

We will only release information on a need-to-know basis and only to those individuals/organisations who need to know to provide care for you and the proper administration of government. Only information that the recipient needs to know will be disclosed.

In very limited circumstances or when required by law or court order, personal data may have to be disclosed to a third party not connected with your health care. In all other situations, disclosure is not covered by this disclosure and will only occur with your consent. Where possible, you will be informed of any requests for disclosure.

If you do not agree

If you do not wish us to use your information, you should discuss the matter with your dentist or the practice manager, Mrs P Boylan. If you object to the way we collect and use the information, we may not be able to continue to provide your dental care.

Suppose you have any concerns about how we use the information and you do not feel able to discuss it with your dentist or the practice owner. In that case, you should contact The Information Commissioners Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF Tel: 03031 231 113 or 01625 545 745.

popular treatments

General Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Straightening

Dental Implants

Advanced Dentistry

Facial Aesthetics


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“We always have such a great customer journey at Priory House from the reception desk through to our super talented dentist Dr Howell. He has recently done the most fantastic work on building up my teenagers teeth. She and I totally trusted him to do a good...”

C. Warde

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“A full recommendation for the Priory! I knew straight away I was in safe hands with my dentist Dr Gethin Howell and nurse Millie White. I was fitted with composite bonds top and bottom , I'm extremely happy with the end result. A very caring team so...”

C. Harmony

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“I was very pleased with my experience at priory house. I was very anxious at first but my dentist Dr Mohan and his nurse Amy made me feel at ease. I feel much better about coming back next time. Highly recommend to anyone trying to find a...”

S. Stan

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“My family and I started using this practice back in 1996, then in 2014 moved away from the area. Having tried out two local practices over the last 9 months, I realized that Priory House would be hard to match, and I have now returned to them,...”

M. Jones

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“Being an extremely nervous patient, particularly with dental treatment I can’t recommend Priory House highly enough! All the team are incredibly patient and understanding of this, and go out of their way to make me feel at ease. I’m never rushed through treatment and always have my...”

A. Leadbetter


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